Last night the official site for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse went live. You can watch the trailers, see productions stills, and get the Twilight tracker App for those of you with an iPhone. The site will update as more information becomes available.
Official Eclipse Site Goes Live
Eclipse One Sheet Poster Revealed
So now that we have seen all three treatments, which movie poster is your favorite? Via Novel Novice
Chris Weitz Comments on Eclipse
Chris Weitz chatted with People magazine about Eclipse and the Oscars.
“I’m looking forward to the sleeping bag scene, I gotta say,” Weitz tells PEOPLE. “That’s going to be very steamy…Weitz, who is not helming Eclipse – director David Slade is taking over – says he is showing his Twilight pride on Oscar Sunday by voting for Anna Kendrick, who plays Bella’s pal Jessica in the series. (She is nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her role opposite George Clooney in Up in the Air.)
“I voted for her of course, because she’s my homie,” says Weitz, adding that New Moon – which is being released on DVD and Blu-Ray March 20 – would have been up for more awards if the Academy had a different voting body.”
See the rest on People. Via Twilighters Anonymous
David Slade Reveals Eclipse Mountain Vista
David Slade it back on Twitter again. This time it’s a Twitpic of the mountain top location. Can we say sleeping bag anyone?
Poor David is having a bit of a rough time. Recent filming at Jacob’s house caused him to have an allergy attack because the place is a working goat farm. Now is bringing us the mountain scenes David tweeted, “6am mountain. A black bear strayed close to us. We shoot solid through, sunburnt and tired we return at sunset.”
Vancouver Shooting Off to a Great Start
One of the great things about shooting a movie in Vancouver in August is that it makes being pelted by hail less likely. It seems like the film crews were probably able to shoot some outdoor work with Jackson Rathbone for his Jasper backstory scene.
According to Mandy who has visited a number of the movie sets, and acted as a local tour guide for us when we were in Vancouver,
“They had torn down most everything and we chatted with crew still tearing down. There were dark black screens (typically they are white and used for either blocking views or reflecting light)
I asked why they were black (perhaps it was too sunny yesterday and instead of reflecting light as the white ones do, they were absorb light?) and they told us they were not for lighting purposes at all but to block the paparzzi… wait…. how many movies are being filmed right now that would require paparzzi?
Based on the location, the conversation, and the report from Lainey on what was filmed… I conclude that this location has SERIOUS potential for having hosted Twilight Saga Eclipse filming yesterday….”
See the rest of Mandy’s write-up here.
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