A twilight fan made it into the finals over on Hypable for her apple in hands themed pumpkin. Head over to Hypable and give her some support. There’s tough competition from a bunch of other fandoms like The Hunger Games, The Mortal Instruments, and Harry Potter. If you want your own Twilight inspired pumpkin, check out these great stencils that have everything from the original Twilight movie pose to Renesmee.
Twilight Character’s Halloween Costumes MTV Style
This is just about the funniest thing I’ve seen in awhile. MTV’s Confessions of a Male TwiHard has a rundown of Twilight characters in costume. I choked on my soda, so for the safety of your computers put down all liquids before you click!
“Emmett as Hulk goes without saying. In fact, instead of a CGI Hulk when Bruce Banner changes in “The Avengers,” director Joss Whedon should cut from Mark Ruffalo to a green, shirtless Kellan Lutz -– just like the old TV show would cut to a green Lou Ferrigno.
Still the newest “vegetarian” convert, Jasper is the most detached of the Cullens. That, along with his flowing blond hair, makes him a great Norse god-type. Since Thor’s not only a superhero but a deity, he doesn’t always quite fit in. And while I’m sure the ladies would hate to see Carlisle’s face covered by any costume, he has to be Iron Man. Like Tony Stark, he’s the “mature” brains behind the group. Plus, I’m sure his centuries of knowledge will help him build (or sew) a really kick-ass Iron Man suit.”
Get Your Twilight Pumpkin Stencils
It’s that time of year again when people start carving away, many on Twilight themes. Check out the stencils offered by this company. They have everything from Bella and Edward, to Jacob, to other characters.
Best part is that there is no shipping involved. You can download your purchase right to your computer, so if our international users want to take a shot at doing this you no longer have to rely on items shipping from the US. They take major credit cards and PayPal, also if you buy from them, the Lexicon gets a portion of the sale which helps keep us running.
Which set is your favorite?
Jodelle Ferland as Katniss for Halloween
Jodelle dressed up as Katniss from the Hunger Games series, which if you haven’t read it yet you’re missing a great read. Jodelle has a series of four pictures of her as Katniss. Check them out here.
Booboo Stewart and his sisters celebrated in style. They were at the Children Affected By AIDS Foundation’s 17th Annual Dream Halloween event at the Barker Hanger in Santa Monica, California.
See more photos of the event here.
Happy Halloween Hillywood Style
Happy Halloween
Over the years Hillywood has made a bunch of Halloween videos, we thought we’d feature them today.
2010-A Hillywood Flashback (can’t imagine what ever gave Hannah and Hillary the idea that dressing up as boys for Jack Sparrow videos might be fun)
Hillyween-2009 (Hillary’s lack of love of gushy things)
Hillyween-2008 (This was before they knew anything about Twilight…can you imagine roughly two and a half weeks later their next inspiration popped up!)
Blast Magazine also just did an interview with the girls. Check it out!
Last Minute Halloween Items!
We want to wish everyone a Happy Halloween tomorrow! We know a lot of you may be heading out to parties tonight or doing the carving today. We really want to see your results. We’ll feature a bunch tomorrow and Monday. So send us in pictures of your costumes and carvings! Here’s a view of some of last year’s. Some like the one above were free-handed and others were stencils.

Don’t forget you can get you Twilight themed Halloween stencils here. The great thing about this product is that it’s a download so you have it forever. If you rip it, no worries, print a new one!
Glamour UK: 31 Sexy Vampires
Just in time for Halloween, Glamour UK has released a list of the 31 sexiest vampires of all time. Twilight is heavily represented, but has some notable absenses from the list: Edi Gathegi, Cam Gigadent, Michael Sheen, and Dan Cudmore. Probably no surprise to anyone, Robert Pattinson has come in first.
“1. Twilight’s Edward Cullen
Played by: Robert Pattinson
Twilight’s resident Sex God, Robert Pattinson has brought new meaning to the term ‘pale and interesting’. Like all vampires, Edward has a taste for blood, but that’s all too easy to forget when you look at his ripped torso and intense eyes. A thing of beauty…”
Other Twilight cast ranked as follows:
31 Cameron Bright
29 Bryce Dallas Howard/Rachelle Lefevre
27 Charlie Bewley
25 Ashley Greene
24 Peter Facinelli
22 Jackson Rathbone
19 Nikki Reed
17 Jamie Campbell-Bower
10 Xavier Samuel
4 Kellan Lutz
See the full write up on Glamour UK
Via His Golden Eyes
Halloween Prep Twilight Style
Our friends over at Twilight Poison have updated their Twilight costume guide to reflect both New Moon and Eclipse. It’s a really in depth look at how to achieve the right look down to the details. They have also added a new section on how to achieve an actor’s look from a specific awards show.
Check out the character costume list here.
Check out their actor costume guide here complete with how to make your very own MTV Golden Popcorn prop!
They also have some terrific ideas on make-up and how to make yourself over in Photoshop as a vampire. As usual their tips are easy to follow and come with step-by-step instructions with illustrations so you know that you are on the right track!
While you are in full Halloween prep mode, don’t forget to do up your pumpkin Twilight style. You can download the stencils anywhere in the world, and since it is a download file and not a one shot paper item you can keep it for future projects. If you accidentally rip it, not worries, just print a new one.
So good luck shopping and carving this weekend!
Pumpkin Carving Twilight Style With New Stencils
I don’t know about anyone else, but my family is going apple picking and pumpkin picking this weekend. Over the years we’ve seen some really talented people send in photos of Twilight themed pumpkins.
This year Ultimate Pumpkin Stencils has a huge selection of Twilight pumpkin carving stencils including the Volturi, Alice, Jasper, multiple New Moon and Eclipse versions of Edward, Bella, and Jacob. Check out Ultimate Pumpkin Stencils for your favorite.
Best part is that there is no shipping involved. You can download your purchase right to your computer, so if our international users want to take a shot at doing this you no longer have to rely on items shipping from the US. They take major credit cards and PayPal, also if you buy from them, the Lexicon gets a portion of the sale which helps keep us running.
I’m going to take a shot at doing a Jasper and Alice matching set.
Pumpkin Carving Winners
We had over 50 entries on this. It was so difficult to narrow it down, but in the end we came up with out three winners who get the coffee mug or tote bag of their choosing from our CafePress Store.
There were three categories: Best Book Cover(s), Best Movie Related, and Most Unique.
Best Book Cover(s)
Winner Christie who managed to get all four Twilight Saga covers on one pumpkin without the pumpkin falling apart!
Best Movie Related
We had so many entries with Rob, Kristen and Taylor. We even had a Billy Burke as Charlie Swan entry. In the end, this one had the clearest image and cleanest lines.
Most original
We loved that someone quoted one of our favorite lines on from the book with the lion and lamb graphic.
We also want to recognize the runners-up in each category. We’ll be sending something to you too!
Best Movie based runner up
By Audra
Best book cover(s) runner up
By Courtney who had the movie logo on the other side.
Most original runner up
By Shannon
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