On behalf of the staff of the Twilight Lexicon, a very Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving Twilight Style
Spoof Video: Robert Pattison, Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart, Bill Condon, Stephenie Meyer Say Happy Thanksgiving
We made this video the other day, but the service was backlogged and we didn’t get it until five minutes ago. Still, we figured you all might enjoy our moment of Thanksgiving silliness!
Twilight Actors Celebrate Thanksgiving 2010
First up is Ashley Greene who tweeted a picture of her whimsical breakfast.
Ashley later showed us the dinner table as well. She said, “I’m Incredibly thankful for SO many things..most of all my wonderful family and friends who continuously love and support me 🙂 Annnnd I’m thankful for all my amazing fans! You guys deserve your own separate tweet 🙂 Cant wait to read all your Turkey Day stories! Xo
Erik Odom, who plays Peter in Breaking Dawn, gave us his recipe for bacon-apple pie. Yes, that’s not a typo, bacon-apple pie.
Apparently it’s a great combo recommended by Rachel Ray.
Kellan Lutz Tweeted, “Happy Thanksgiving. Hope You all had a great thanksgiving! With family and friends together! I love Traditions. Comatose time. Thx Turkey.”
Peter Facinelli tweeted, “Happy Thanksgiving Twitterverse! and thanks for al the birthday well wishes. Gotta go… turkey’s gobbling….”
Tinsel Korey spent the day reading The Deathly Hallows and loved the classic Molly Weasley line,”Happy Turkey Day Everyone! Time for some Pumpkin Pie next! *Drools* Mmmmmmmm.”
Yes, It Is Actually Kristen Stewart’s Arm
Tama0026 on Twitter did some research, blew up some photos, and has come to the conclusion that it is Kristen Stewart’s arm in the photo that we posted earlier today. Check out her side-by-side comparison below.
EDITED: Confirmed direct from Summit entertainment that it is Kristen’s arm!
As for the bruises, we’re thinking they are probably higher up on her arms. With Stephenie as producer there is no way they are not going to be there.
Via NessieMackenzie
Bill Condon Wishes the Fandom Happy Thanksgiving Isle Esme Style
No pictures of burly camera operators trudging across crunchy grass in booties, or flying fish a la the style of David Slade. After months of photos like that, and occasional links to side projects, David delivered a photo of Riley.
Bill Condon has pretty much cut to the chase here with a sexy, tongue-in-cheek photo. Perfect considering it’s Thanksgiving and many a bird was plucked for today’s dinner. Bill Condon clearly likes to communicate specifically with the fans, has a sense of humor, and delivers what they want.
Below is the photo(taken by Andrew Cooper) posted on the official Twilight Facebook page that accompanied Bill Condon’s short but sweet Thanksgiving message.
“Happy Thanksgiving and a crazy Black Friday to all of you and yours.” – Bill Condon
EDITED: Confirmed direct from Summit entertainment that it is Kristen’s arm!
Looking For Last Minute Thanksgiving Dessert Advice: Jennie Garth to the Rescue
A very Happy Thanksgiving from the staff of the Lexicon to all of you and your families! We are going to be spending the day with our families and enjoying the time together.
In case you are looking for a fast recipe, check out what Jennie Garth (Peter Facinelli’s wife) is recommending below. If apple isn’t your thing, there’s always Peter’s vampire cookie recipe.
Happy Thanksgiving
From the entire staff of the Lexicon, whether you celebrate Thanksgiving where you live or not, our online family wishes you and your family a day filled with love, laughter, and blessings!

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