MTVs Hollywood Crush is having a little fun this morning by asking fans what they covet most from the Twilight Saga franchise. With the announcement that a replica of Bella’s wedding dress will go on sale soon, MTV names four more things they would like to have. The items they name might be on your list as well. They would like to have the dirt bike from New Moon, Bella’s engagement ring from Eclipse, and the chess set from Breaking Dawn. Consider that the bikes in New Moon could be bought or replicated, Infinite Jewelry has been selling a diamond version of Bella’s ring for years while NECA sells a costume version of the film ring, and red and white chess sets have been available since possibly the dark ages, it isn’t unimaginable to find the first three things on their list. It’s the 4th item on MTVs list that is the real unattainable item. Edward Cullen.
Not a poster of Edward Cullen. Not an action figure of Edward Cullen. Not a screen-printed, person-sized, strategically-stuffed-to-look-like-a-human-dude body pillow with Edward Cullen’s face on it. We want the real, actual Edward Cullen, and we want him now. NAME YOUR PRICE, “TWILIGHT.”
I think most fans can agree with that statement! Unless you’re Team Jacob and then you want a real Jacob Black! So let’s hear it from you – what do you covet? If you could have anything mentioned in the books or seen in the films OTHER than what MTV has named, what would it be?
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