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Live Blog Hall H Kellan Lutz in The Immortals
Creative team descrining the gods as young, fierce , and pierced.
They deliberately made the gods young saying if you were immortal would you look like them or me?(pointing to middle-aged producer)
Director/producers on Kellan Lutz
You see him with hardly anything on on Calvin Klein bilboards throughout the world.
Interesting that on the panel Henry cavil is sitting next to Kellan Lutz. Henry was Stephenie Meyers vision on Edward when she first wrote the books in 2005
Kellan says “I’m the salty one”. “I’m always in the water” “I ma the god of wetness and moisture.”
Kellan says “I love my character. I love swimming I’m always in the water.”
Directors said they were looking for originality and cutting edge when it came to getting the young actors.
Kellan says his diving powers are all about being a young agile gods
Kellan waggles his eyebrows when his trident is mentioned
Other item on interest, Henry cavil (IMO) looks to be pushing 30 he would not have been able to pull off realistic 17 he looks way older than Kellan
Hilariously, they have referenced hot guys on this panel way more than in the Twilight panel. Seriously they are selling this on the studdliness of the guys
Kellan says Little Mermaid is his favorite movie, he jokes he watched it to prep for the film
Comic Con 2012 Here We Come
There are already reports of 50 or so Twilight fans camping out alongside Hall H. Both Laura and Jen from the Lexicon staff are currently on route to San Diego to cover this year’s Comic Con. They will be setting up their tent, and it will be our remote office of sorts for the next two days or so. Here’s what you can expect from us by way of coverage:
Wednesday: Live blog from the plaza next to Hall H. You never know who might drop by!
Thursday: The Breaking Dawn Panel happens at 11:15 Pacific Time and runs roughly an hour. We will be live blogging the event assuming the Internet holds out. Taylor Lautner is also rumored to be stopping by the Lionsgate booth to promote his film Abduction, and we’ll stay on top of that!
Friday: We’ll be attending the panel for The River, a film that Joe Anderson who plays Allister will be appearing in. We also have a couple of interviews lined up this day, but more on that as it develops.
Saturday: We will live blog The Immortals panel featuring Kellan Lutz from 1:00-2:00. Right after that we hope to live blog the Snow White and the Huntsman panel that Kristen Stewart is scheduled for 3:30-4:15.
Laura will also have here column up on Thursday as soon after the panel concludes as is possible. Now in between all this we’ll be grabbing info on the fly because you never know what might happen. We’ll also be feeding out YA author, Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Game of Thrones addictions while there.
Vote Twilight at Teen Choice and Scream Awards
We already told you how Eclipse is up for a ton of awards over at the Teen Choice awards website. Vote for Twilight actors and Eclipse.
Just two notable nominations: Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene are nominated for male and female scene stealers! Other franchise are also rallying their fans.
So, vote and vote often (those who are eligible) we need to win this like we won the MTV Movie Awards!
Now the Scream Awards are asking for you to decide if Breaking Dawn is one of the year’s most anticipated movies:
“The sixth annual SCREAM awards are coming to SPIKE this October!
This global event is the first of its kind to honor the genres of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Comic Books, and Horror, as well as the creative talent behind them.
Beginning today, YOU can get a jump on voting for this year’s MOST ANTICIPATED MOVIE – a category that will be decided by the fans who make SCREAM possible.
With SCREAM-genre films such as The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn and The Hunger Games among the year’s most hotly anticipated releases, there is no shortage of great movies fans can name MOST ANTICIPATED MOVIE.
Vote for your Most Anticipated now by sending your pick to us at [email protected].”
Comic Con Schedules 2011: Breaking Dawn, Kellan Lutz, Taylor Lautner, and Kristen Stewart
Comic Con 2011 has now released their Thursday through Saturday schedules. Granted they are subject to change, and an actor might have to suddenly bow out if their filming schedule changes or have to do ADR work. But here is what we have so far. Kristen Stewart, Kellan Lutz, and Taylor Lautner will all be there to support other projects as well as Breaking Dawn.
“11:15-12:15 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1— Summit Entertainment presents a sneak peek at the highly anticipated next chapter of The Twilight Saga. This is a must see for fans interested in the story’s final chapters. You’ll see exclusive footage from The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 and be treated to a filmmaker and cast Q&A session providing details on the first half of the epic two-part finale. Hall H ”
Abduction Panel and signing official info via the Lionsgate studio TBA. Below is what we have from The Hollywood Reporter (I’d give them a 90% accuracy rate going on past Twilight connected experience):
“The news you’ve all been waiting for: Taylor Lautner is going to Comic-Con.
Sure, we all suspected he was going to be part of the Twilight: Breaking Dawn panel but Lautner will also be on hand to promote his action thriller Abduction. He will be at the Lionsgate booth (#3729 for those of you trying to map out the San Diego Convention Center floor) for a signing Thursday, July 21.”
At this time we don’t know if the signing with Taylor will come before or after the Breaking Dawn Panel. If we had to go with our gut instinct, we’d probably bet on after because there will likely be a press conference that he is involved in running before.
Nothing Twilight related yet
1:00-2:00 Relativity Media: Immortals— Visionary director Tarsem Singh transports viewers in this epic tale of treachery, vengeance, and destiny in this stylish and visually spectacular 3D action adventure. The brutal and bloodthirsty King Hyperion and his murderous Heraklion (Mickey Rourke) rampage across Greece in search of the long lost Bow of Epirus. With the invincible Bow, the king will be able to overthrow the Gods of Olympus and become the undisputed master of his world. As village after village is obliterated, a stonemason named Theseus vows to avenge his mother, who was killed in one of Hyperion’s brutal raids. When Theseus meets the Sybelline Oracle Phaedra, her disturbing visions of the young man’s future convince her that he is the key to stopping the destruction. With her help, Theseus assembles a small band of followers and embraces his destiny in a final, desperate battle for the future of humanity. Stars Henry Cavill, Stephen Dorff, Freida Pinto, Luke Evans, Kellan Lutz will participate in this panel alongside producers Gianni Nunnari and Mark Canton. Hall H
2:30pm – 3:30pm: Official autograph signing at the Convention Center including Kellan Lutz
3:30-4:15 Universal Pictures: Snow White and the Huntsmen— Universal Pictures is bringing the stars and filmmakers of its epic action-adventure film based on the script Snow White and the Huntsman to Comic-Con. Scheduled to appear to discuss their roles in this breathtaking new vision of the legendary tale are Kristen Stewart (Twilight), Oscar winner Charlize Theron (Prometheus), Chris Hemsworth (Thor), and Sam Claflin (Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides). Director Rupert Sanders (Halo 3 campaign) and other filmmakers will also be on hand to reveal exclusive footage. Q&A session to follow. Hall H
Tags: Action/Adventure | Movies | Science Fiction & Fantasy
Schedule TBA
Kellan Lutz: What Hogwarts House Is He

MTV’s Hollywood Crush is continuing their actor sorting hat series. They already did a ton of cast members the other day, and now they have added Kellan Lutz. Assign him to a house here. Vote for Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Ashley Greene and Jackson Rathbone here.
In case anyone is wondering, Laura (Pel) and Alphie (Lori) are self-proclaimed Ravenclaw and Gryffindor members.
Who Is Attending Comic Con 2011 From Twilight?
So far Summit hasn’t given out their official list yet. If we were betting people (and we are) we’d lay odds on Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, and Bill Condon. The trio and the director have pretty much been a pattern since the first Comic Con appearance. After that it depends on who has a free schedule, who is in town, etc.
We already know that two Twilight actors are going to be there promoting other projects:
Taylor Lautner will be there to promote Abduction. According to THR:
“The news you’ve all been waiting for: Taylor Lautner is going to Comic-Con.
Sure, we all suspected he was going to be part of the Twilight: Breaking Dawn panel but Lautner will also be on hand to promote his action thriller Abduction. He will be at the Lionsgate booth (#3729 for those of you trying to map out the San Diego Convention Center floor) for a signing Thursday, July 21.”
Kellan Lutz will be there to promote The Immortals (info from Immortals press release):
DATE: Saturday, July 23
1:00pm – 2:00pm: Comic-Con Panel in Hall H
2:30pm – 3:30pm: Official autograph signing at the Convention Center
GUESTS: Henry Cavill, Luke Evans, Kellan Lutz, Stephen Dorff, Freida Pinto, Mickey Rourke, and producers Mark Canton and Gianni Nunnari”
Kellan Lutz: Twilight Opened Doors
Kellan Lutz is doing press for his upcoming Immortals where he plays Poseidon. Coming Soon took part in a Q&A session with all the actors:
“Q: Do you see this movie as a step up for you or a challenge to get out of “The Twilight Saga”?
Lutz: I’m very blessed with “The Saga” because I am a character that, yeah, people ask why I don’t have as many lines as everyone else. Well, I can’t change the books so my character’s more of a presence. Even in “Eclipse,” I have more action and fighting scenes than I do dialogue. I can’t help that. I’m very fortunate and blessed that it still pushes my career up to the level where I’m not the face of the books, so I’m still, like floating, so the next thing I do, like the other independent movies I do and I’m very choosy with like “The Killing Game” is my own type of underground “Gladiator”/Jason Bourne type of movie. That’s what I want to do so being a part of these huge commercial movies like “Twilight” opens up doors so I can be the star of other movies and really show my acting chops, show and pick what I want to do as an actor kind of molded my career.”
See more on Coming Soon
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