A couple of months ago we reported on local Asheville, North Carolina artist, Mitchell Lonas, who had his work commissioned to be used in Breaking Dawn. (Full Story here)
Now another artist has been revealed. Sarah Ashley Longshore had her work reflected in Breaking Dawn as well. The Breaking Dawn Movie got the scoop and we got it via TwiFans. Sarah said, “WELL WELL WELL! FINALLY!!!!!!! There is so much filming being done here in New Orleans these days. There are movie stars and set decorators everywhere. My art has been used for lots and lots of films. BIG films but NEVER has my artwork made it to the BIG theatrical trailer!!!! Here is a still from the trailer with Kristen Stewart standing in front of my painting! I have this painting in my personal collection! I have always been OBSESSED with luna moths. I used to collect them at my lakehome. Who am I kidding? I still do!!!!!! I love to catch them, sketch them, paint them and let them go.
My luna moth looks so pretty on the set! I hope the other paintings make it into the movie as well!!!”
We have Sarah’s picture and Mitchell’s picture below. Which style do you prefer?
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