This post is just for Twilight fans down under. Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart will be doing a Q&A in Luna Park in Sydney on May 31 followed by a screening of New Moon. If you’d like to win tickets to this event, NovaFM is giving them away. For more information, visit NovaFMs site and stay tuned in for the chance to win.
Australia fans – Win Tickets to see Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart
USA Today: How Rob, Kristen, and Taylor Keep the Twilight Machine Rolling
USA Today was able to interview Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner when they were in Chicago for the Oprah show.
“Dashingly disheveled Robert Pattinson has an infectious, high-pitched laugh that would never do for his seductive vampire lover-boy, Edward Cullen.
Buff-and-polished Taylor Lautner is pocket-size compared with the looming stature of his werewolf counterpart, Jacob Black.
Casual yet cool Kristen Stewart can be a real chatterbox, unlike her moody Bella Swan, the high schooler in a romantic tug of war between these two supernatural objects of teen desire.
Lucky girl, right? “Yeah, but that’s in the movies,” Stewart says about bringing to life the modern-day Gothic heroine from the insanely popular Twilight book series (85 million copies sold so far). “I’m just the ultimate fan. If you read a story and you like it andconnect to it, it probably means you’ve inserted yourself in the story, and I get to do that on the most glorified level possible.”
Creation Entertainment Lands Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner
This is a first, the trio at a convention that is a true Twilight only fan convention. See this specific Creation Entertainment link for details. We’re going to be there. Will you?
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If you still can’t see it use this
What Is On The Twilight Casts’ Plates Next?
Tracey over at Hollywood News has an extensive rundown of the upcoming projects of each cast member. They all have very full schedules, Taylor Lautner’s and Robert Pattinson’s alone are impressive.
“Robert Pattinson
Breaking Dawn: Timing TBD.
Water for Elephants: Though this movie will film in 2010, it won’t hit theaters until 2011.
Bel Ami: If you’re an RPattz fan, you’ve undoubtedly seen recent pictures and videos of Rob dressed in lovely Parisian garb. Again, though filming will be completed in 2010, this film is set to debut in 2011.
Unbound Captives: Though Rob is attached to this film, with his current schedule, the studio likely won’t be able to start filming until 2011, particularly if/when Breaking Dawn gets greenlit. However, Rob Pattinson and Hugh Jackman is a whole lotta pretty for one film!
Taylor Lautner
Breaking Dawn: Timing TBD.
Abduction: This timing looks much more realistic – 2012 release.
Cancun: Not must to add to this film. It’s in development and Taylor Lautner is supposedly attached to the film, which is releasing in 2011.
Stretch Armstrong: Taylor Lautner will play Hasbros’ Superhero, Stretch Armstrong. There was a bit of controversy when Taylor took this part, as it came at the same time that he pulled out of playing the lead in Mattel’s “Max Steel”. This film is in pre-production and had a release date of 2012.
Taylor Lautner Star Ambassador Madrid
Earlier this month Taylor was in France as part of the Star Ambassador contest where a French fan and a Spanish fan won a date. Well now he’s moved on to Spain where he was on hand to greet fans.
Taylor Lautner to Do Paris Signing on Thursday
Twilight France has the story. This is happening April 8th in conjunction with Taylor appearing as a part of the french Star Ambassador program.
Via Google Translate:
“The contest organizers Ambassador Star announced last night on Facebook that Taylor Lautner (who should soon arrive in France) will participate in a signing session tomorrow in Paris. Elle aura lieu dans la boutique Orange des Champs-Élysées entre entre 14h30 et 15h30 ! Je sens qu’il va y avoir du monde… ^^ It will take place in the Orange store on the Champs-Elysees between between 14:30 and 15:30, I sense there will be the world .”
Taylor Lautner’s Date With a French Fan Part 2
There was a contest over in France to have a date with Taylor Lautner. Twilight France has been covering the story and they have part two of the experience up in video.
Taylor in Paris, Part 2
Uploaded by ambassadeur-de-star. – Full seasons and entire episodes online.
If you missed part 1 you can catch it here. If you don’t speak French, throw the page through Google Translate and you’ll get a really good idea of the details.
E! The Kids Choice Awards Red…er…Orange Carpet
E!’s appropriately aged reporter asks Taylor Lautner a few questions on the Orange Carpet at the Kids Choice Awards.
Video: Jackson Rathbone and Taylor Lautner on the Kids Choice Award
Taylor was on hand to accept his award as favorite movie actor. Jackson was there with the Last Airbender cast to promote their movie and to do a slime-bending stunt with Nicola Peltz. (video quality is so-so, we’ll replace with better versions when available)
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