A Twilight Saga Fansite
Kudos to Twilight Poison for putting this all together! See the video below and check out their site for more videos and transcripts.
London’s Time Out Magazine tells us that, “We thought you’d like… to know that the November 17 edition of Time Out London magazine will be a New Moon special – with separate Edward, Bella and Jacob covers! All three come packaged in an exclusive set, available to order now.” So if you are a Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, or Taylor Lautner fan you can take your pick!
They also told us that their, “…Film Editor has secured an extensive interview with Robert and exclusive interviews with Kristen and Taylor. Best of all, fans can pre-order a set – plus an exclusive poster – now at www.timeout.com/newmoon“
Team Twilight via TwiFans has a translation of the press confernce that was published in Brazilian papers yesterday.
“The character of Robert Pattinson, Edward Cullen, didn’t appear in the book like he appears in the film.
Kristen Stewart – It was a purely creative process. The reason that he appears in the movie more is because it’s basically a personification of Bella’s thoughts. In the book, he talks to her in thought. In the film, we see the illustration of this. He appears in dreams, in subjective ideas of Bella. After all, during almost the whole movie, she has he in mind.
Taylor Lautner – And this needed to happen to establish more strongly the idea of the love triangle between Bella, Edward and Jacob, that Eclipse is fully evident. Bella really in love with Jacob. And she loves Edward. In Eclipse, the story is basically this triangle. So it’s important that this is very visual, that Edward is visual in New Moon.”
Foforks, the Brazilian Twilight site, has a write up of Taylor and Kristen’s arrival for the South American press junket. If you toss it through Google or BabelFish for translation (Portuguese-English), you get a pretty cool account of how it went down.
Congrats to Grace and the FoForks staff!
Yahoo raises an interesting question regarding under age actors and sexy modeling shoots.
“Remember the huge uproar in April 2008, when 15-year-old Miley Cyrus appeared in “Vanity Fair” wrapped in a sheet, with her right shoulder and the top of her back visible, implying that, under the sheet, she wasn’t wearing a shirt? That week, the cover of the New York Post read “Miley’s Shame,” the Christian Coalition called for the Hannah Montana star’s employer, Disney, to reprimand the teenager, and finally Miley was forced to apologize in a statement to People Magazine, saying: “I never intended for any of this to happen, and I am truly sorry if I have disappointed anyone.” The pandemonium was so huge that critics ranging from the ladies of “The View”, to Bill O’Reilly, to Miley’s fellow Disney star Joe Jonas all expressed their disapproval over what they saw as the sexualization of a child to sell magazines.
Now, with the premiere of his movie, “The Twilight Saga: New Moon,” less than a month away, magazines, websites, and TV are blanketed with images of 17-year-old star Taylor Lautner, shirtless and showing off the body he trained for months to perfect for the role. And yet, none of the cultural critics who turned Miley’s photos into a full-blown “scandal” have said a word about the sexualization of Taylor, who, at 17, is just two years older than Miley was during her “scandal” and is also a minor. So, does Hollywood have a double standard? “
So what do you think: double standard or is there a difference between a sexy pose at 15 and a sexy pose at 17?
When asked about what makes Taylor Lautner’s performance in New Moon so compelling, Jackson made it known that it’s not just the abs. Of course the abs grab your attention, but it is more than that.
“Taylor Lautner really stands out in this film, and I think people are going to be really blown away by his performance,” Rathbone said. “You have these great moments that Jacob just completely is winning over Bella. And it’s just beautiful to see it. It’s all in their eyes.”
See the rest on MTV.
Tune into Spike TV on Saturday tune in October 27th at 10 PM to check out some World Premiere Footage in high quality.
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