Taylor Lautner in Interview Magazine

Boy did Taylor Lautner fans hit the jackpot today! Not only did Taylor Lautner give a three-page interview to Interview magazine with an amazing photo spread, but they also shot a superb video overview.

“MARTIN: What does it mean to turn into a werewolf?

LAUTNER: I think the most important thing with Jacob is that pre-transformation, he’s clumsy. He trips over his own feet. As soon as he transforms, he’s very agile. At one point, he flings himself through Bella’s window and lands at her feet, and that’s the first time Bella realizes this is a new Jacob: He never used to be this agile. I loved bringing out that side of him. The bummer is, when he becomes a wolf, that’s not actually me. When he does the cool fight scenes, he’s transformed into CGI.”

Don’t forget to read the rest of the Taylor interview here! TY to Kmcha08 for the heads up!

Taylor Lautner Shows July 4th Pride

ET asked various celebrities like Queen Latifa, Josh Duhamel, and Blake Lively about what is the best part of being an American this July 4th.

This is what Taylor Lautner ,who is pictured left at a recent LA Dodgers Game,(what’s more all-American than baseball!) summed it up in three short, but important words:

“The freedom and family and friends.”

See other celeb responses on ET.

EW Reveals Exclusive New Moon Cover

Entertainment Weekly has the exclusive look at the legit cover (not the one erroneously reported by numerous other sources this morning) of the movie trade paperback tie-in edition of New Moon. The cover features a a never before photo of  Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner.

We have been asked by EW to only link to the story and not post the image to our site. We are respecting their wishes. the cover shot can be found here. It comes with an exclusive poster inside.

According to a representative from Little Brown, the book will hit shelves September 15, 2009.

Much Music Awards 2009

Both Taylor Lautner and Rachelle LeFevere were at the Much Music Awards yesterday.

For those of you not familiar with the awards, Much Music is like the MTV of Canada.

Taylor Lautner at CFDA Video

Access Hollywood has video of Taylor at last night’s CFDA event in NYC.

Taylor Lautner at Fashion Awards

Taylor Lautner hit the red carpet at the CFDA fashion awards in New York City.

Taylor proves he looks just as good in a suit as he does shorts and a tee.

Taylor Lautner Red Wings Fan

Unfortunately Taylor Lautner’s movie magic did not rub off on his hometown hockey team, the Detroit Red Wings.

Taylor and his dad were there at game 7 of the Stanley Cup finals where the Red Wings lost to the Pittsburgh Penguins in a 2-1 heartbreaker.

See the full gallery on Just Jared.

ET Posts Outtake Video

Most of this we saw already. There is some extension to the previous ET interviews and now you have Stephenie Meyer’s opinion.

Mike Welch Owes Taylor Lautner & Kristen Stewart

According to Mike Welch, he owes it entirely to Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner that he has added screen time in New Moon.

“Kristen [Stewart] and Taylor [Lautner] had to lobby to get this one scene in the film that wasn’t originally in — and I am forever indebted to them for that,” revealed Mike Welch, citing a beloved moment from Stephenie Meyer’s “New Moon” novel. “There’s a scene that’s in the book, the three-way date between Jacob and Bella and Mike, where Mike ends up getting sick, and it’s just very awkward.”

Get all the details on MTV.

Taylor Lautner: Metro Canada Interview

MetroCanada is continuing their five-part series with an interview with Taylor Lautner.  They are proming that tomorrow’s interview will be with director Chris Weitz.

Q. What’s your most exciting scene in “New Moon”?

A. It’s so hard to choose. Like I said, I really enjoy the stunts so I had a lot of fun doing the dirt bike sequences. I got to hop on the bike and go really fast and come to a skidding stop. It’s really cool. And I also like a lot of the more serious scenes, the pivotal scenes in the movie, like Jacob and Bella’s breakup scene, which is the first time Bella sees Jacob after he has transformed into a wolf. And it’s really emotional. I felt bad for Jacob just reading the books, but now that I’m actually living this character, I feel so bad for the guy! It’s really sad.

Read it all on Metro Canada.