Taylor, more so than Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, seems to have grown up under candid video spotlight. EXTRA has unearthed some classic Taylor footage, and shots from an upcoming photoshoot. After seeing it we only had one thought, “When is Dancing With the Stars going to come calling?” If Shawn Johnson can win it, why not a guy with similar acrobatic talents?
Taylor Lautner Makes Abs Cut
Access Hollywood has voted Taylor’s 8-pack among the best abs in Hollywood.
While we are on the subject of Taylor, Robert Rodriguez, who directed Taylor back in day when he was Sharkboy, told MTV that Taylor’s success is no surprise to him. He knew back then that Taylor was “the complete package”.
Taylor Lautner Gets Own People Page
The last minute voting rush did it. Taylor Lautner now has his very own page on People.
Taylor Lautner’s People Page Needs Your vote!
OK, not that we have anything against Dustin Milligan and Matt Dallas, but at the moment(as I am writing this), they are in the lead over Taylor Lautner to get their own page on People Magazine. Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart already have their own pages. So if you want Taylor to get his own, get over there and vote, NOW! The voting ends April 27th!
Reality TV hits Santa Monica
According to ET, the Hollywood reporter got the scoop on a new reality TV show. The Fred Segal outlet store that is frequently visited by tons of young Hollywood’s up-and-comings, including Taylor Lautner, is going to have it’s own reality TV show.
“The Bravo show will follow the daily drama that occurs at the retail outlet’s Santa Monica location, filming the lives of those who work and shop at the store…Fred Segal is a legendary retail haven synonymous with high fashion and style, and the fashionistas who work, shop and gossip at the store promise to have arresting, entertaining, colorful personalities and lives.”
Given how much Taylor has grown, no wonder he needs new clothes!
ET Gives a Peak at Taylor Lautner
ET has another series of teaser videos up. In one, they claim that one of the biggest things on Robert Pattinson’s mind during the Twilight premiere was that his pants were too tight. Check out the Taylor snippet below.
New Moon Shoots At Local Pool
Both Vancity Allie and Twilight Gossip have coverage of a one-day shoot at a local pool. The assumption is that they used it to film part of the cliff diving scene given the looming presence of green screens that are the size of a small apartment building.
They would then put in the footage they shot almost a month ago of the British Columbia coastline ( reported as South Beach, located near Wickaninnish Beach inside Pacific Rim National Park Reserve and Incinerator Rock at Long Beach) post-production. Both Kristen and Taylor were on the site. There was no reported sign of other members of the wolf pack.
Taylor and Kristen missed attending anything associated with the DVD release because they were off filming the beach portion of the cliff diving scene during some really awful weather.
We really hope they heated the water for Taylor Lautner who came out, wet hair and all, to sign fan autographs.
Vancity Allie Meets Cast At The Dills Show
Vancity Allie attended the Dills Show and who did she meet: Nikki, Taylor, and Kristen.
If you haven’t heard the Dills music before there is a great video linked on teh Vancity Aliie Blog, check them out. They have a great sound!
“I asked her[lead singer Sage] if I could take photos of my show and she said that was cool. Nikki Reed herself came out and sat right in front for half the show to take photos of her friend, support her music, take videos, and dance along to the music. What a great friend! They were talking/shouting to each other during the show the entire time, and Nikki was giving song suggestions.
Demi Lovato: Officially Not Hating on Taylor, call off the dogs
Twist suggested to Demi Lovato at the Hannah Montana movie premiere that she and Taylor Lautner (who she had only briefly met at the Kid’s Choice Awards) might be cute together.
Demi responded:
“Hold please, oh God. No, thank you! He is not for me. He seems more like a heartthrob type. I am more of a musician girl. He would have to rough up a little bit for me to date him!”
Then on her Twitter she announces:
“Just finished a song about an egotistical, young hollywood actor, who thinks he’s the new heartthrob in town and can get any girl he wants.” and then “Hint: He’s orange” (We assume she’s referring to a bad fake tan)
So the next thing you know Twist and several other sources decide that she’s talking about Taylor Lautner. It was rapidly spiraling into the next big Hollywood feud with people starting to take sides.
Fortunately, Demi Tweeted back:
“Taylor Lautner is not Orange. It’s not him. Most of you probably don’t even know him.” followed by, “That’ll be the last time I ever mention a boy! hahahaha…. Good Lord.”
New Moon Cast In the News
Peter Facinelli is apparently interested in playing more than one doctor. Aside from Carlisle Cullen he has an upcoming show on Showtime called Nurse Jackie where he plays a doctor. Now it seems that at a recent convention that the UK fans told him about how popular the newest version of Dr. Who. According to The Sun, Peter said, ” I wish we had Doctor Who in America. Everyone in UK was raving about it when I came over for the conference. I’d love to watch it. Or even star as the Doctor in a film. I could even get a long stripy scarf!(a reference to Doctor Who from about 30 years ago)”. Next time someone sees Peter, let him know you can catch Dr. Who in America on the Sci-Fi Channel or BBC America.
Media Blvd has a picture of Taylor up from the Kids Choice Awards.
Kellan Lutz is going snowboarding, but doesn’t want people to know. Kellan, we recommend not telling that to the LA Times next time. Kellan also mentioned to the LA Times that, “This one is not about the vampires at all. It’s more about the werewolves. Taylor’s going to be great. He’s really stepped up to the role and he deserves it…Its(sic) kind of like a dream – to work on a movie like this that has been so well-received – it’s just awesome. It’s so great to have so many fans that love it.”
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