So far there have been several versions of Edward and Bella, as well as Jacob, Alice, Jasper, Jane, Laurent, Victoria, and James. Now it looks like it is Renesmee’s turn. Check out the Twitter conversation between a Twilight Lexicon reader and Tonner Dolls
Breaking Dawn Part 2: Vampire Bella Doll Now Available from Tonner Dolls
Tonner Dolls has their vampire Bella model ready for purchase. Tonner had previously done a Twilight, New Moon, and Wedding version.
TY to Barbara for the heads up.
Check it out on the Tonner site here.
Tonner Dolls Creates Breaking Dawn Wedding Bella
Tonner Dolls has a wedding Bella up on their website. They previously created dolls on the Twilight and New Moon theme. This is their first Breaking Dawn themed doll.
Here is the full product description:
*International Shipping Restrictions apply
- Dressed Tonner Character Figure™
Face includes hand-painted details
Fine quality vinyl and hard plastic
Kristen Stewart head sculpt
16″ Tyler bending wrist body
Cameo skin tone
Brown painted eyes
Brown rooted saran hair
Silver and Blue rhinestone hair decoration with white veil
White dress with lace applique on sleeves and on the back of the dress,and faux pearl decoration
White net with lace back of dress with faux pearl dress decoration
Nude pantyhose
Gold ring painted on left hand
Silver ring on right hand
Bouquet of faux flowers
White satin shoes with silver glitter decoration
LE 500
*SHIPPING NOTICE – our licensing agreement allows us to ship this item to the following countries:United States and Canada.Check it out on their website.
Tonner Doll To Begin Producing Breaking Dawn Line
Tonner Dolls has not had a new Twilight figure since the Alice, Jasper, and Jane looks from New Moon(see the available collection here).
Other Twilight based dolls have been retired. They just tweeted out the below information asking for suggestions for a Breaking Dawn line.
Make you you tweet your opinion to Tonner!
Last summer we visited the Tonner booth at Comic Con
Tonner Dolls Debuts Jane Doll
Here’s the best part folks via the Tonner website:
“Our New Roll Out Release – Robert Presents Jane of Twilight
We are pleased and delighted to present to you 5 brand new products that are currently in-stock (or VERY close!), which means you may begin placing your orders at any time! It also means there won’t be any agonizing wait before you can receive the latest and greatest Tonner creations…. and that means no agonizing wait between releases, either!
Okay, now the really, REALLY important stuff: There will be FREE SHIPPING on each of the 5 BRAND NEW Tonner products for FIVE DAYS ONLY! So, from now until Sunday at midnight EDT, any item from the Latest Tonner Release will ship for FREE! That’s right: this river of Love runneth deep!
Remember, look for the latest Tonner Releases on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month, for, if there is new product in-stock, it will be revealed on those days!”
Tonner Dolls At Comic Con
Birthday Give Away #1: Edward from Tonner Dolls
This month we celebrate FIVE years on line with the Twilight fandom! We posted a podcast a few days ago answering the questions you asked us about various Twilight moments and trivia. Every Thursday this month we will be holding a giveaway using questions from that podcast as your way to enter the contest and win amazing prizes! This is our way of saying thank you for all the support you’ve given the Lexicon for the last five years.
This week we have the Edward doll named Distant Devotion from Tonner Dolls. If you would like a chance to win this prize, leave a comment below with the answer to this week’s trivia question. This contest is open to everyone who has a mailing address! We will leave the contest open for 48 hours and will choose a winner on Saturday March 5.
This week’s question is: Which actor does Lori (Alphie) name as changing the way she saw the character from the book, and which actor does Laura (Pel) name as being just how she saw the character from the book?
This week’s prize: Distant Devotion Edward from Tonner Dolls
Remember, all of our birthday giveaways are open to anyone, anywhere in the world. It doesn’t matter where!
Video: MTV Profiles the Jasper and Alice Dolls With Creator Robert Tonner
You can find the entire Tonner Twilight Doll collection here.
Tonner Dolls to Launch Jasper Doll
Entertainment Weekly was at the annual Toy Fair in New York City and what did they stumble upon? A Jasper doll by Tonner.
“Toys, toys, toys everywhere! This year’s Toy Fair kicked off yesterday, introducing a gaggle of action figures built around new movie franchises, upcoming videogames, and attractive vampire teenagers. Tons of photos from the event have shown up online, but I’d like to direct your attention to freakishly real-looking toys in particular. The “Jasper” figure (see left) from Twilight perfectly captures Jackson Rathbone’s elfen cheekbones — parents of 9-year-old girls, I present you with the only birthday present your daughter will really want this year.”
Tonner currently has several Bella and Edward models, Alice, Victoria, James, Laurent, and Jacob. Check out the collection on the Tonner website.
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