Our friends over at the Twilight News Site caught wind of an article in the Yale University Newspaper. James Franco (yes THAT James Franco) is a doctoral student there. It seems like James still has this Twilight obsession going and is now turning it into a live performance parody…maybe. Details are sketchy, but The Twilight News Site has a link to the Yale article and some really good blow-by-blow commentary, and a history of Franco and Twilight. Here’s there lead in:
“There is a confusing article in the Yale University student newspaper, about a confusing film/stage production, led by confusing doctoral student James Franco, which is thought to be a confusing version of “Twilight.” Or “High School Musical.” But with more sex, violence, and “surrealism.”
We already know that Franco is a big Twilight fan, although his take on the films seems to be limited to the notion of “What do girls want? Do they even know?” And we already know that Franco asked Bill Condon if he could appear in “Breaking Dawn,” and was given an unequivocal “no.” So this, it appears, is Franco’s response…”
Check out the full editorial on The Twilight News Site.
In case anyone is wondering about the legalities of such a venture, if something is a true spoof/parody (in other words an over-the-top comedic send-up that no one could mistake for a serious sequel/prequel) then that is fine to do. That’s how SNL, Jimmy Fallon, and similar shows can do their Twilight Spoofs/parodies.
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