Summit Entertainment has confirmed that Ty Olsson has been cast as Phil Dwyer, Bella’s Step-Father, in Breaking Dawn. Fans of sci-fi shows like Defying Gravity and Battlestar Galactica may recognize Ty as a series regular. He most recently appeared in the TV show Shattered. Let us know if you think he fits your impression of Renee’s baseball playing husband.
Ty Olsson Cast as Phil Dwyer in Breaking Dawn
Hollywood Crush: Supporting Breaking Dawn Actors, Their Guess
After yesterday’s announcement of supporting actors, everyone has been wondering who exactly was playing who. They could in fact be characters in the book that are smaller like Gustavo or J. Jenks. On the other hand, they could be movie creations like Cora, the waitress from Twilight, the vampire who gets his head ripped off by Felix and Demetri in New Moon, or Mr. and Mrs. Biers (Riley’s parents) in Eclipse.
We had a lot of questions yesterday on what is supporting vs. an extra. Sometimes it’s a tough distinction because a supporting players role can range from one word to a couple of small scenes. Supporting players are different than extras in that they actually have lines of dialogue that are easily identifiable as theirs alone, not just crowd noise and/or they have a featured moment that sets them out from the crowd. So, nameless people in red capes in Volterra are extras vs. kid in cape who sees Edward is supporting. Various Quileuetes running in terror at the Cold-Ones flashback are extras, vs. The Third-Wife supporting.
Hollywood Crush has their guesses. Some we like, like the one for J. Jenks others we just aren’t sure.
“Take for instance Ty Olsson (pictured). The 36-year-old actor best known for his work in “2012” and “X2” is a dead ringer for the balding, middle-aged attorney James Jenks that Bella deals with several times over the course of “Breaking Dawn.” He has a fairly important part in the story, so it makes a lot of sense that an established actor would be cast in the role instead of a newcomer, like some of the new vampires were.”
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